We’ve also added hollyhocks to the colorful chaos.
Most of the daylilies and hollyhocks don't provide much of a purple presence but tall garden phlox adds a splash of pinkish-lavender color.
Coreopsis thrives along the south side of the house.
That’s how I describe our perennial flowerbeds. We use a mixture of hardy perennials, including wild flowers, to have color from early spring to late fall without a lot of fuss from us. As a result, it tends to look a little wild, but we love it! Our irises are finished blooming for this year; now, daylilies and hollyhocks are running rampant! In my blog post, “Daylilies!” dated 7/20/14, http://www.fromhighheelstogumboots.com/gumboot-tracks-blog/archives/07-2014, I showed pictures of some of our blooms. Here are two new ones this year: We’ve also added hollyhocks to the colorful chaos. Most of the daylilies and hollyhocks don't provide much of a purple presence but tall garden phlox adds a splash of pinkish-lavender color. Coreopsis thrives along the south side of the house.
September 2019